www.Loblawcard.ca - Apply for Loblaw Card Online
If you purchased one or more packaged bread products from Loblaws or other grocery stores in the period between January 1, 2002 and March 1, 2015, you could receive a $25 Loblaw Card as a compensation for an overcharge of these products.
How to get your $25 Loblaw Card:
To receive a card, complete and submit a registration form. The easiest way to do that is to apply online.
Just go to the website www.Loblawcard.ca, click on the "Register" button. Then click on the "Register Online" to start filling out the Refistration Form.
By submitting, you will receive your Loblaw Card within a few weeks.
You can also request that a paper registration form be mailed to you by emailing to info@LoblawCard.ca.
Please Note:
egistering for and obtaining the $25 Loblaw Card will not affect customers’ right to participate in any class action or to receive any incremental compensation that may be awarded by the court.
The Loblaw Card can be used to purchase items sold in Loblaw grocery stores across Canada.
All eligible customers will receive a $25 Loblaw Card no matter how much money you spent.
If you have more questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page by visiting www.Loblawcard.ca.